
(c) Mostviertel Tourismus/

Wander- und Infosystem Dunkelsteinerwald

Das Projekt „Wander- und Infosystem Dunkelsteinerwald“ zielt darauf ab, die bestehende Wanderinfrastruktur der Region umfassend zu modernisieren und an aktuelle Anforderungen anzupassen.
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Naturschätze im Dunkelsteinerwald

Inhaltlich konzentrierte sich die Region Dunkelsteinerwald in der regionalen Zusammenarbeit bislang auf wirtschaftliche Themen (Vernetzung), die Erhöhung der Lebensqualität, die Gestaltung attraktiver Freizeitangebote und Vermittlungsarbeit. Mit dem vorliegenden Projekt sollen künftig auch die Themen Natur und Umwelt beleuchtet werden.
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Naturvermittlung Pielach-Mühlau

Als Anknüpfung zum Projekt „Pielach Mühlau – Naturschätze bewusst erleben“ in der Gemeinde Hafnerbach ist ein weiteres Projekt zur Stärkung der Umweltbildung geplant. Dabei soll die Natur vor der Haustüre bewusst erlebt und achtsames Verhalten in der Natur vermittelt werden.
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Day.Tourism Dunkelsteinerwald

Natural forests, extensive hiking trails and prized cultural treasures – the Dunkelsteinerwald has a large, to some extent still untapped, potential for people seeking local recreational pursuits. In addition, thousands of day-trippers and holidaymakers, for whom the Dunkelsteiner usually remains just a secret tip, can be found in the zones on the periphery of the Dunkelsteinerwald every year. Browsing through brochures and websites reveals little information about the Dunkelsteinerwald, let alone any actual offers.
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Flusslandschaften bieten zahlreiche Lebensräume © Franz Weinhofer

Pielach-Mühlau: Consciously experiencing natural treasures

The Pielach-Mühlau conservation area in the municipal district of Hafnerbach is one of nature’s true jewels. The wild river landscape is an area of retreat for many species of animal and vital to their survival. Excursions, campaigns involving schoolchildren and targeted public relations work are intended to create the necessary sensitisation and put the protection of these habitats on a secure and lasting footing.
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Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde hiking map update

In terms of tourism, the Dunkelsteinerwald is overshadowed by the Wachau. However, in recent years, it has been possible to position the Dunkelsteinerwald as a hiking destination with the hiking trail network of the Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde.
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Der Raimondosteig ist 1,5 Kilometer lang und führt rund um die Burgruine Hohenegg.

Raimondosteig - History of the Castle

Status: withdrawn The Castle Association is equipping the Raimondosteig, a loop hiking trail around the Hohenegg castle ruins, with information boards about the castle’s history and also inviting the residents of Hafnerbach to submit their ideas for coming up with and elaborating topics. Franz Pötscher from the office for museum concepts and consulting is supporting the process because the outcomes should also flow into the new local history museum.
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Die Eigentums- und Besitzverhältnisse der gesamten Routenverläufe sollen geklärt werden. © Tourenexport Alpstein

Digitalisation of the hiking stages of the Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde, Jauerling-Runde and World Heritage Trail

In recent years, the regions of the Wachau and the Dunkelsteinerwald focused on the topic of hiking. Following preparatory work in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park (parts of the hiking system there were later emphasised in the so-called Jauerling-Runde), the World Heritage Trail, a 180 kilometre-long, long-distance hiking trail on both banks of the Danube opened in 2010 after an intensive planning phase and became a pioneering project both at home and abroad. Based on the success of the World Heritage Trail, the Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde was planned and implemented in the years that followed and thus complements the overall trail network of 30 stages and probably the biggest non-alpine hiking centre in Central Europe.
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Die erste von sechs Infotafeln am Rundweg. © Doris Löschenbrand - Energiegruppe Hafnerbach

Energy Hiking Trail Hafnerbach

With the support of its members, the Hafnerbach Energy Group defined green energy generation sites in the municipality, combined them into an energy hiking trail and also designed and implemented information portals. The trail was opened as part of a hiking day.
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Saisoneröffnung in Maria Langegg 2017 © Christian Reisinger

Development of a cultural tourism strategy for the south bank of the Wachau

The municipalities of Mautern, Bergern, Furth, Rossatz-Arnsdorf and Schönbühel-Aggsbach will be intensifying their collaboration over the coming years and focusing on the common positioning of the south bank. Under the direction of Martin Vogg, who was previously responsible for the project Wachau 2010 plus, existing offers should be combined with new ones and wrapped up into bookable packages, starting with the two locations of Maria Langegg and the Aggsbach Charterhouse.
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