Due to the extreme time pressure during implementation, especially of the World Heritage Trail, the creation of a complete directory of owners of the used trail sections was unfortunately not created as work progressed. As only existing hiking trails were integrated into the trail network of the described loop/long-distance hiking trails, it was assumed that an adequate clarification of rights had already taken place. In recent months, however, it has become clear that this assumption is not always correct and the region is regularly on the receiving end of claims and disputes resulting from the failure to clarify the legal situation beforehand. What’s more, expansion projects, such as the installation of rest areas, are also in the pipeline; these required detailed information about the ownership and tenure status.
Online voting: 12.9.2016
Project promoter: Wachau Dunkelsteinerwald Regionalentwicklungs GmbH
Funding level: 70%
Project duration: 8 months
Supported by the federal province and the European Union (LEADER).