The Hohenegg Castle Association has dedicated itself to the castle ruins for many years. It takes care of maintenance work at regular intervals to ensure that the buildings will continue to stand for many years to come. The castle ruins can be used for events and serve as a backdrop for the performances of regional and national groups, such as theatre groups. The Hohenegg castle ruins are also a very popular destination in the region for day trips. Hikers will find the starting point for numerous loop hiking trails there as well as the connection to the Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde. The Raimondosteig, which was created in 2014, will be made more appealing by the proposed project and become a popular excursion destination for day-trippers and locals alike.
Discussed in the project selection committee: 26.11.2015
Project type: small-scale/micro project
Project promoter: Verein Burg Hohenegg (Hohenegg Castle Association)
Funding level: 80%
Project duration: 3 years
Supported by the federal government, the federal province and the European Union (LEADER).