
Die Region wird von Volksschulkindern erkundet ©Franz Weingartner

Dunkelsteinerwald school project - implementation

In the future, there should be stronger focus on topics related to the Dunkelsteinerwald in lessons at the region’s primary schools. Teaching staff worked on how to achieve this in an initial project, the results of which are now being implemented in another LEADER project.
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Day.Tourism Dunkelsteinerwald

Natural forests, extensive hiking trails and prized cultural treasures – the Dunkelsteinerwald has a large, to some extent still untapped, potential for people seeking local recreational pursuits. In addition, thousands of day-trippers and holidaymakers, for whom the Dunkelsteiner usually remains just a secret tip, can be found in the zones on the periphery of the Dunkelsteinerwald every year. Browsing through brochures and websites reveals little information about the Dunkelsteinerwald, let alone any actual offers.
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Das zentrale Thema Musik verbindet die Gemeinden © Daniela Matejschek

Musikimpuls Dunkelsteinerwald - Kick-off and setup

Preparations for the joint advertising of several municipalities together with Göttweig Abbey for the Provincial Exhibition in 2023 were already on the way when the one-year delay to the event was announced. The opportunity should now be taken to restructure this initiative. The central topic – “Music” – is intended to connect the participating municipalities and reinforce the sense of regional identity. The large collection of musical publications in Göttweig Abbey offers the possibility to do some academical research on the region’s music and allow it to flow into the initiative.
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Die Erlebnisschau 2019 wird um Loosdorf, Markersdorf-Haindorf und St. Margarethen/Sierning erweitert.

Exonomy exhibition "Dunkelsteiner Erlebnisschau 2019-plus"

Following on from the success of the last two exhibitions, the event will be organised again in spring 2019. This time, the event will be held in Haunoldstein. Given the regional interrelationships, companies from the municipalities of Loosdorf, Markersdorf-Haindorf and St. Margarethen/Sierning will be invited to present themselves. A varied supporting programme will provide an additional attraction and round off the event.
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Flusslandschaften bieten zahlreiche Lebensräume © Franz Weinhofer

Pielach-Mühlau: Consciously experiencing natural treasures

The Pielach-Mühlau conservation area in the municipal district of Hafnerbach is one of nature’s true jewels. The wild river landscape is an area of retreat for many species of animal and vital to their survival. Excursions, campaigns involving schoolchildren and targeted public relations work are intended to create the necessary sensitisation and put the protection of these habitats on a secure and lasting footing.
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Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde hiking map update

In terms of tourism, the Dunkelsteinerwald is overshadowed by the Wachau. However, in recent years, it has been possible to position the Dunkelsteinerwald as a hiking destination with the hiking trail network of the Dunkelsteinerwald-Runde.
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Dunkelsteinerwald school project – concept

The idea to boost awareness of the region amongst young residents came about in the Dunkelsteinerwald micro-region. The aim is to strengthen both identification with the Dunkelsteinerwald and longer-term ties to the region. For this reason, a concept for integrating regional topics into the curriculum at local primary schools will be developed.
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History of the Bründlkapelle

The Haunoldstein beautification and village renewal association is dedicated to the history of the Bründlkapelle. To mark the 100th anniversary of the chapel and the local spring, the story of its creation and importance is to be elaborated together with local historian Dr Gerhard Flossmann.
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Die Nähgruppe als Ort des Kennenlernens © Verein Impulse Krems

Further development of integration coordination in Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald

Approximately 600 asylum seekers and recognised asylum seekers currently live in the Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald region. Building on the work done in the asylum and integration coordination project, targeted measures and offers should be put in place to improve the integration of people who fled to us in recent years. A central role will be accorded to the people already well advanced in the integration process.
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Development strategy for the municipality of Dunkelsteinerwald

In the municipality of Dunkelsteinerwald, there are three “centres” – Gansbach, Gerolding and Mauer – which constantly gives rise to conflicts. With this challenge in mind, the municipality would like to elaborate a long-term development strategy together with the citizens of all these settlements. A professionally competent company should be commissioned to support the process and create the necessary strategy.
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